Moss provides steam and hot water boiler systems designed to burn a variety of wood including sawdust, bark, chips, planer shavings, hogged fuels, pellets, etc. Our wood burning boiler systems range in pressures from 15 PSIG to more than 900 PSIG with or without superheat and in size from 60 HP to more than 250,000 lbs./hr. (7,246 HP). Please contact us for any wood burning applications not noted below and pricing can be provided (either for equipment only or for turnkey installations including material storage, material handling, water equipment, cogeneration, and building / foundations).

Listed below are some of the wood fuel species applicable for burning in our boiler/combustion system designs. While we know of no wood species that cannot be burned in our equipment, we recognize that we cannot know the burning characteristics or other properties of all tree and other biomass species around the globe. It is essential that the suitability of each species being considered as a fuel be verified with the appropriate authorities in the region where the equipment will be installed. If you need assistance in doing a wood availability survey or to discuss potential emissions issues, please contact us!
American beech Poplar
American elm Post oak
American sycamore Quaking aspen
Balsam (all varieties) Red alder
Balsam fir Red maple
Beech Red oak
Bigleaf maple Red pine
Black cottonwood Red spruce
Black gum Redwood
Black oak Shagbark hickory
Black spruce Shortleaf pine
Black tupelo Silver maple
Black willow Sitka spruce
Cypress Slash pine
Douglas-fir Southern red oak
Eastern cottonwood Spruce pine
Eastern hemlock Sugar maple
Eastern white pine Sweetgum
Elm Sycamore
Engelmann spruce Tamarack
Green ash Virginia pine
Hickory Western hemlock
Jack pine Western larch
Loblolly pine Western redcedar
Lodgepole pine White ash
Longleaf pine White birch
Northern black cottonwood White cedar
Northern red oak White fir
Northern white oak White oak
Oregon ash White pine
Oregon white oak White spruce
Paper birch Yellow birch
Pin oak Yellow pine
Pitch pine Yellow-poplar
Ponderosa pine